Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 102 - Logical Induction, Building Ordinals, and Compounding Errors

Episode 102 - Logical Induction, Building Ordinals, and Compounding Errors

Max give his take on Logical Induction and the construction of mathematical objects, a topic that he's been interested in for years.

Topics include:
- Intro to Mathematical Induction
- Tradition Induction vs Ordinal Induction vs Epslion Induction
- The Dominos analogy
- Logical arguments vs Physical Arguments
- Problems with compound implications in the real world
- Spotting arguments that hide compound errors


128K Dominos Falling (Journey around the world)
Math World: Peano Axioms
For advanced readers: Set Theory and The Continuum Hypothesis

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Episode 103 - Dave Rubin on Launching Locals and Taking Power back from Big Tech

Episode 103 - Dave Rubin on Launching Locals and Taking Power back from Big Tech

Episode 101 - Robots Taking All Our Jobs? Antony Sammeroff’s Rebuttal

Episode 101 - Robots Taking All Our Jobs? Antony Sammeroff’s Rebuttal