Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 234 - Simplexes and Distributions

Episode 234 - Simplexes and Distributions

Max discusses a fascinating geometrical object - the simplex - that generalizes to many dimensions, and its connection to the categorical distribution. Starts with some thoughts about Elon Musk spurning the Twitter deal, and the future of Social Media.


USA Today: Elon Musk out of Twitter
Wikipedia: Project Management Triangle
Not to be confused with the Conjoined Triangles (Silicon Valley - Hilarious!)

LocalMaxRadio: What is a Probability Simplex
LocalMaxRadio: What is a Categorical Distribution

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Episode 235 - Seasteading with Tony Olsen

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