Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 88 - Occam's Razor, Hanlon's Razor, and Layers of Conspiracy

Episode 88 - Occam's Razor, Hanlon's Razor, and Layers of Conspiracy

Today's Concept of the Week is Occam's Razor, along with other related ideas like Hanlon's Razor.
- The Dragon in My Garage
- Fermi Estimation
- Why your iPhone is probably not recording all your conversations; but if it was what how it might do it.
- How early is too early for Halloween?


Max’s Edlab Blog Post on the relationship between Occam’s Razor and Machine Intelligence from 2010
Occam’s Razor on Wikipedia
Hanlon’s Razor on Wikipedia
Philosophical Razor
The Dragon in My Garage

BBC: Why Phones that Secretly Listen to us is a myth
Counterpoint Article: Your Cell Phone is Talking Behind Your Back

Related Episodes

Episode 84 with questions to Anythony Aguirre about Physics. We use a lot of physics examples in this episode
Episode 83 on Bitcoin Energy Usage, an example of Fermi Estimation
Episode 81 on Junk Science and Click Bait
Episode 16 on Overfitting and Underfitting

Episode 89 - Building Liberland! How to claim Your own Sovereign Territory.

Episode 89 - Building Liberland! How to claim Your own Sovereign Territory.

Episode 87 - Deep Learning and AI with Mark Ryan

Episode 87 - Deep Learning and AI with Mark Ryan